Gunitime Application Clock in/out

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Gunitime app clock in/out

Please install Gunitime mobile app on your mobile – Android or iOS
  • Login to mobile application
  • Tap on Clock-in to start your work day.
Tap on clock-in
  • Choose Job type to start clock-in
  • Click Clock-in button
  • Employer will get the real-time start time and current location of employee.
  • Clock out on app screen means your timesheet is started.
  • When you go on break, tap on Take Break
  • End break simply tap on End Break
  • At the end of shift click Clock Out
  • You can add comments(optional) if you want to share something important.
  • You will also get notification if you don’t tap clock-out as per shift end time.
Clock Out
  • Clock out successfully
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